What is Google Search Ads automation?

With Adchieve Google Search Ads automation for Travel, you automate campaign creation and maintenance based on feeds and machine learning. Our software is specifically designed for travel companies with large numbers of accommodations who want to scale effectively using Google Ads.

The automation software takes the bulk of repetitive work off your hands but gives you all the control you need to manage your campaigns effectively, in exactly the way you think is promising. The tool supports you in creating and optimizing hyper-relevant campaigns on a large scale.

For maximum profitability, combine Search Ads automation with the Adchieve Travel algorithm that calculates the probability of a booking, taking into account variables such as booking window, room type and availability, so that you can adjust your bids accordingly in Search Ads.

google search

The benefits

  • Increase the relevance of your ads by applying dynamic data, such as accurate prices.&
  • Give campaigns a unique, self-selected structure based on your business strategy.&
  • Save time in setting up and maintaining Search Ads campaigns on a large scale. Manage and create all Search Ads campaigns from a single feed.&
  • With an always up-to-date feed, Google gives powerful signals that increase campaign ROI.&
  • Set the right bids that maximize profitability using the Travel algorithm.&

Free demo?

Curious about the possibilities of Google Search Ads automation? We are happy to give you a demo! 

Master feed GHA transparant

Key features

  • 1

    Follow the strategy that suits you: Search Ads campaigns and ad groups are fully customizable based on your business strategy. Easily handle customized strategies for different hotels, hotel groups, brands, countries, regions, cities and more.

  • 2

    Work from one master feed: Work from one central master feed. Set new rules, link feeds or create new ones, and continuously improve or enrich data using professional feed management.

  • 3

    Minimize maintenance: Open a new hotel? Then Adchieve automatically creates new campaigns or Ad Groups for you, depending on your strategy. Does a hotel close (temporarily)? Then the software automatically pauses the relevant ads.

  • 4

    Create hyper-relevant ads: Increase your return, CTR and quality score by making ads and sitelinks hyper relevant and precisely aligned with your landing pages. Leverage dynamic data within ads and sitelinks, such as pricing information and detailed accommodation amenities. Display sitelinks that feature the most current, popular destinations, trips or accommodations.

  • 5

    Optimize campaigns based on availability: Linking your reservation system to Adchieve also allows you to drive campaigns and ad groups based on current availability. For example, is there temporarily less availability? Then Adchieve automatically lowers your bid or halts the ad, depending on your desired strategy. Is your availability back up? Then your bid is raised again, or your ad is reactivated.

    Tip: The link to your reservation system is multi-purpose. Think for example of Google Hotel Ads or advertising on other metasearch engines, where such a link is a requirement.

Why choose Adchieve?

  • Unique combination of state-of-the-art software, data-science and smart consultants.
  • Years of experience in the travel industry with diverse clients: hotel chains, vacation parks, resorts, campsites and online platforms.
  • Official Premier Partner of Google since 2012.
  • Automate not only Search Ads, but also Google Hotel Ads and other metasearch engine campaigns.
PPC management software Adchieve Rotterdam
Discover what Adchieve Search Ads software can do for you.